Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Today has been a DOOSY!!! I have to say it was crazy!!! SOOOOOO BRING ON THE NEW YEAR!!! I pray everyone has a HAPPY and SAFE NEW YEAR's!!!! DON'T Drink too much Martinelli's it will get you CrUnK!!! WELL..... see you ALL NEXT YEAR!!! TIME TO PARTY with my CHURCH PEPS!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Auntie Becca is going to be a mommy any DAY!!!

For those of you who don't know my beautiful sister-in-law(David's sister Becca) is PREGO!! She is due to have her BABY on Sat. Jan 3, 2009... AND she is ready for HIM to come out!! I totally feel her pain!! I didn't have the privilege of going full term but it WAS THE LONGEST 34 WEEKS of my life!!! For one we found out we were pregnant way to early. I was like a week pregnant so it made the pregnancy last even longer!! Then I was sick until about my sixth month so that didn't make it go by any faster. We had so many things happen that was not part of my PLAN!!! Every women has the prefect idea of how their pregnancy is suppose to go. But OUR plan is not always God's plan!!! I imagined at 40 weeks my water would break and I would grab the bag at the front door and head to the hospital for this beautiful day that I would bring a beautiful 9 pound boy into the world!! Well at 34 weeks I was rushed to the hospital and within 5 hours of arriving I had been induced and then had an emergency c-section when the baby couldn't handle the labor!! Then as I laid on the table feeling way more than I should have for a c-section, I heard the Doctor say these life changing words "SHE'S so beautiful"!! I looked at David and said "Did he just say SHE'S so BEAUTIFUL"! David and the nurse (who knew we were expecting a BOY) both looked over the blue curtain........And said "YEAH it's a GIRL"!!! Then I was put to sleep!!! I am so thankful for my BEAUTIFUL baby girl and wouldn't trade her for any smelly old boy but at that moment it was so over whelming because it wasn't part of MY PLAN (I have so much boy stuff still)!! BUT anyway I pray that BECCA'S PLAN GOES just the way she imagines it!! Because I know how stressful it is when you were given all boys clothes and you own nothing in PINK!! I know how stressful and over whelming it is to have an emergency c-section and having to leave a child in the hospital for 10 days!! I know what its like to want to hold your child but you can't until they come out!! I wanted Maleah to come out the day I found out I was pregnant because I wanted to hold her and look at her and take care of her and I see what I imagined her to look like!!! SO I pray ...LORD GOD give Rebecca her hearts desires and please make her delivery go nice and smooth!!! Lord keep Your hand upon her!! And I pray You give her a good nights rest because ALL of us mothers KNOW she will need it!!! AMEN!!! I love you Bec it will all be alright!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I am so TRIED today and it's only 8 in the morning!!! I worked til 1 this morning! Then David (I love the GUY) was snoring!! And I didn't want to wake him up because I know he is super tried from working 10's!! (That's 10 hours a day.) So I finally fell asleep by 2 this morning! Then at 5:30am David's alarm was going off!! Time for David to get up!! So I fell back into a deep sleep and then I heard Maleah playing in her crib at 6!! She was laughing at herself and doing whatever she does in there!!! So then I had to get up!!! I am a 8 hour girl!! I need my 8 hours!! I have to be back at work at noon!! BUT it will be alright I can make it until tonight!!! BESIDES tomorrow is CHRISTMAS EVE.......and I get both days off!!! YIPPPEEEE!!!! Well I have to go, Maleah is pulling out all of the diaper wipes!! Well I hope EVERYONE has a MERRY MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! :)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

GOD is Amazing!!!

GOD IS AWESOME!!! On Sunday David received a stressful phone call and in one split moment our whole world as we new it, was coming to an end!!! OK that is an exaggeration but life was not going WELL for us!! So from Sunday night until Tuesday we were all shook up BUT THEN we received better news about our situation! I just want everyone to know that God ways takes care of us!! Even when WE don't trust or have faith or believe that He will!! HE always pulls us through!! It may not always be right when we want it, but it's always right on TIME!!! He never leaves us! God is always there even when we don't feel like He's anywhere to be found!!! I am so thankful to serve a mighty God who always keeps His hand upon us!!! WE are a BLESSED people!! I just want people to know that GOD IS GREAT!! He always provides for He's PEOPLE!!!! HE never leaves us!!! Man WILL and HAVE let us down, BUT GOD never will!!! GOD IS AMAZING!!!! If you don't know him I pray that you get to know him! He's the best thing that will ever happen to you!! THANK YOU GOD for taking care of ME!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Not too busy!!

It's Friday night and Maleah is in bed resting her pretty little eyes and David is studying for his final so I guess I have nothing to do but BLOG!!!! ...... I just got off work a few hours ago! I love BIG LOTS they have super great deals and they aren't bad to work for either! I love my job it's super fun and easy. Tonight was fun because I got to stock two lady's who looked like they were stealing jewelry! It was fun walking around asking them if they need help! Some people are so in their own worlds they don't even care if you watch them put items down their pants!! Those women didn't even care that I was watching them, they just kept grabbing more things to shove in! They were in their own little world!! It's was funny too me because I am a people WATCHER! I love to sit and watch people! David gets upset with me sometime because we will be talking and I won't be listening! I'll be watching someone do something funny! OR not so funny like telling your child mean things! I seen alot of good and alot of bad but..........We need to enjoy LIFE and not be so STRESS out all the time!! It will be alright!! It WILL be alright!!! RELAX!!! Some of us just need to RELAX sometimes and take a breather! Count to ten or something!! .........I like Big Lots because it's a good location! RIGHT IN THE DALE!!! They get some unusual people in there! It makes my day go by faster..... Well thats a day in the life of a BIG LOTS employee!

The True meaning of Christmas!!

What does Christmas mean to you?? It's the most wonderful time of the year to me. I love Christmas! I love the smells, the baking, the gift wrapping, the shopping, the decorating, the caroling, the cozy home feeling, I love it ALL!....... BUT we sometimes leave the Christ out of Christmas. Christmas isn't just a day off work or a day to receive gifts .....Christmas is a day of remembrance of the birth of our Savor Jesus Christ! Christmas is a time of giving just how Christ gave his life for us!!! Honestly I wouldn't mind if I didn't get anything for Christmas as long as I got to spend the day with David and Maleah!... NOT that I don't want anything but it's not about me. We need to be mindful of the TRUE meaning of Christmas and not allow the things of this world to distract us from the TRUE meaning of Christ-mas!! JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON!! As for me and my household we WILL serve the LORD!!! I hope everyone one has an amazing Christmas and don't get to over whelmed with the World's view of Christmas!

Hey Everyone!!!

How is everyone?? Well I desided to become a blogger since my Mother-in-law, Sister-in-law and many other friends and family are doing it so... I guess I should too! I love how everyone has something to say!! So this is my STORY!!