Wednesday, January 21, 2009


David and I live in the butt crack of the dale!! We have got to move out!!! On Sunday David and I were at church and one of our neighbors car was broken into! A bunch of stuff was stolen and the fuzz came out and it was just not a good deal!!! SO that was the first thing that went down!! Then later Sunday night our neighbors on the other side of us had there house broken into!!! WEIRD!!! Two robbery's on the same day! Then yesterday (Tuesday) the neighbors that had their house broken into, their house was broken into for the second time in 3 days!! And those neighbors just moved in on Saturday!!!CRAZY!!! No one was home both times the house was broken into! David and I have lived here almost two years and we have not had any problems! THANK you LORD for keeping us safe!!! Please continue keeping your hand upon us!!! SOOOOOOO I think it's time to move!!!!! Let me know if you know of a good place to live!!! Preferably in the Dale but by North high or north of it or even Rosedale would be nice!!! 08 for life! JK

1 comment:

  1. I have a few rentals available in Oildale... give me a call on Friday at the office... 836-0350 or check out the website -

